【次回予告】✨ 🛸 これは偶然じゃない?宇宙のサインに気づくと毎日がワクワクに!✨💫

【次回予告】✨ 🛸 これは偶然じゃない?宇宙のサインに気づくと毎日がワクワクに!✨💫


📌 ゾロ目の数字を何度も見る
📌 誰かを思い出した瞬間に連絡が来る
📌 特定の動物やシンボルが気になる
📌 直感やひらめきが増える
📌 UFOや光の存在を目撃する etc…

🌟 これらはすべて、ただの偶然ではなく【宇宙からのメッセージ】かも!?💡

🔮 サインを受け取りやすくなる方法は…
✔ 【これは宇宙のサインかも?】と意識する
✔ 気づいたことをメモや日記に記録する
✔ 瞑想や光の深呼吸で波動を整える
✔ 直感に素直に従う etc…

🛸 この動画に映っているUFOは、実際に私が撮影したものです!
✨ そして、本編では 銀河ファミリーが来た時の映像も公開予定です!💫


🔔 チャンネル登録&いいねで、宇宙のサポートを受け取ってくださいね! 🚀✨


🔗 チャンネル登録はこちら 👉 / @lyrauniversalhealing
🔗 最新情報はこちら 👉 https://note.com/minichocola42/m/m8f4…


✨ あなたの魂が導かれるままに、宇宙の流れに身を委ねてください✨💖


Music:【夢見る世界】by 蒲鉾さちこ


【Next Episode】✨ 🛸 This is NOT a Coincidence! Discovering Signs from the Universe Will Make Every Day Exciting! ✨💫
Did you know? You are already receiving signs from the Universe and your Galactic Family! ✨

📌 Seeing repeated numbers / Angel numbers (111, 222, 333…)
📌 Thinking of someone and suddenly receiving a message from them
📌 Feeling drawn to specific animals or symbols
📌 Experiencing an increase in intuition and sudden insights
📌 Witnessing UFOs or mysterious lights in the sky, etc.

🌟 These are not just coincidences—they may be messages from the Universe! 💡

🔮 How to Receive More Signs:
✔ Be aware and think, “Could this be a sign from the Universe?”
✔ Keep a journal or notes of the signs you notice
✔ Meditate and practice deep breathing to align your vibration
✔ Trust your intuition and follow your inner guidance

🛸 The UFOs in this video are REAL! I personally captured these moments on camera.
✨ Plus, in the full version, I’ll be sharing exclusive footage of the Galactic Family visiting! 💫
Stay tuned for more! 👽💖

🌌 The Universe and your Galactic Family are always sending you messages.
Have you received any signs lately? 💬 Share your experiences in the comments below! ❣️🥰

💫 “The Door to Galactic Memories” is dedicated to sharing cosmic wisdom and spiritual awakening!
🔔 Subscribe & like to receive more guidance from the Universe! 🚀✨


🌍🔔 Subscribe & Like to receive more messages from the universe!

✨💖 I share videos to help you awaken your soul and deepen your spiritual awareness. Subscribe now and stay connected to cosmic messages! 🌌💫

🔗 Subscribe here 👉ttps://www.youtube.com/@LyraUniversalHealing ✨ Let your soul be guided and flow with the universe. ✨💖