次回予告。次回は氷見散歩 紀尾井編をお届けします。機材を更新し、あの景色を新たなカメラで撮り直します。お楽しみに!#shorts #散歩 #紀尾井 #vlog#チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします
- 2025.03.08
- 映画

氷見 健一郎 Kenichiro Himi
富山県高岡市出身のバス歌手。東京藝術大学大学院音楽研究科声楽専攻(オペラ)修了。新国立劇場オペラ研修所修了。バスソリストとして宗教曲の演奏会、オペラ公演に出演するほか、Vo.宅録、出張レコーディングもしています。中江 早希REC、HP、グッズショップ担当。とやまふるさと大使。問い合わせはHP問い合わせフォームまで。
HP→ https://kenichirohimi.com/
X→ https://twitter.com/HM_KENKEN
instagram→ https://www.instagram.com/kenichiro_himi/
Tiktok→ https://www.tiktok.com/@kenichirohimi
threads→ https://www.threads.net/@kenichiro_himi
Kenichiro Himi is a bass singer from Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. He completed the Master’s Program in Vocal Music (Opera) at the Graduate School of Music, Tokyo University of the Arts, and also finished the Opera Training Program at the New National Theatre Tokyo. As a bass soloist, he performs in religious music concerts and opera productions, and he also offers voice recording services, including home recording and on-location recording. He is responsible for REC, website, and merchandise shop for Saki Nakae. He is also an ambassador for Toyama’s local heritage, known as the “Toyama Furusato Ambassador.” For inquiries, please use the contact form on the website.
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次回予告! #ゆっくり育てていってね 2025.03.08