【予告】パニパニパイナ!3第50話「魔法のメロディー」 #shorts

【予告】パニパニパイナ!3第50話「魔法のメロディー」 #shorts

🌈🎵『パニパニパイナ!3 第50話「魔法のメロディー」』見逃すな!🎵🌟
ヤーだんの声 野々村真白
ミーヤ    松浦愛弓
ジム     竹内慎平

📅 放送:6月23日(日)朝7時 📺 スカパー!全国のCATV
📅 配信開始:6月24日(月)午前0時 🎥 amazonプライムビデオ


#パニパニパイナ #パニパニたいそう #森でくるくる #ヤーだん #ミーヤ #ジム #幼児番組 #松浦愛弓 #野々村真白 #竹内慎平 #テアトルアカデミー #東京 #子役 #TODAY #幼児番組 #babysongs #kidssongs #家族で楽しむ #おうち時間 #子供の笑顔

“Guzurin Forest” is a children’s paradise where anyone can use magic by chanting the magic spell “Pani Pani Paina!”. Yadan, a two-and-a-half-year-old monster child who lives there and runs a café, Miya and her friends in the forest who have ridden on the south wind. Their daily lives are full of strange fantasies, and new adventures and problems await them every time. They face various difficulties while valuing friendship and cooperation. And the story unfolds in which they grow up in the process and accumulate rich experiences.

In addition to the story, there are plenty of corners where children can enjoy themselves. In the Taisou corner, 2,000 energetic young children selected from all over the country appear each year, and they enjoy gymnastics and play together. In addition, there is entertainment for children with a “song corner” where famous domestic artists such as Ryudo Uzaki and Osamu Sakata provide songs.